Attorney Weinman provides a ONE-OF-A-KIND expertise in autism and criminal law, and specialized expertise in autism and special education law, and autism and family law. As an Attorney, Autism Expert, Behaviorist and Parent, Weinman offers Autism Consulting, Expert Reports and Testimony, and Training for lawyers, psychologists, educators, judges, law enforcement and professionals whose clients are autistic. She specializes in providing consultations and advice for families of individuals on the autism spectrum who are arrested or under criminal investigation of are having challenges for which they need guidance.
Attorney Weinman has been practicing family law, special education law and criminal law in Pennsylvania and New Jersey for over 25 years . As a former Philadelphia Prosecutor, Weinman understands how prosecutors think and the perspective of defense attorneys and prosecutors. She gained expertise in autism while defending and advocating for autistic individuals who are arrested, disciplined, suspended and bullied or in need of education services. Attorney Weinman's knowledge and experience as an attorney, internationally recognized autism expert and parent of a son with ASD provides her with unparalleled insight and expertise to advocate for autistic children, teens and adults who find themselves in legal trouble and who deserve much more in educational institutions. Attorney Weinman now limits legal representation to select juvenile and adult individuals in court. She spends the rest of her time advocating for autistics as an autism expert witness and autism consultant to lawyers and professionals, and as an international speaker. Lawyers find it especially appealing to work with Attorney Weinman because she speaks their language and understands the law. Weinman also knows first-hand the legal process and how judges think and how juries work. Unlike most experts, Weinman spent years "at home" in the courtroom. She knows how to talk to attorneys, jurors and judges in a way they can understand. Weinman also demonstrates her commitment to improving the lives of autistics through international trainings, classes, workshops, online videos, podcasts and webinars on autism and autism and the law.
Attorney Weinman has authored several articles on autism.
An expert witness is an individual who possesses specialized knowledge, skills, or experience in a specific field relevant to a legal case. They are called upon to provide expert testimony, which is their professional opinion on matters within their area of expertise. *
The role of an expert witness in legal contexts is to educate judges and jurors who may have no background in the expert’s area. How skilled the expert is at communicating is critical to getting the message across. Expert assistance on ASD is crucial to ensuring just outcomes for individuals diagnosed with ASD.
Advisory Board, U.S. Autism Association, 2021-Current
** "I thought your presentation was GREAT. I find most presentations for parents talk down to them — everything is happy and “look what we can do.... and let’s go to the police station and let the local officer know who you are!” But that’s not the real world. That’s geared towards a 6 year old mentality (and he’s likely not going to be left alone in the community!).
While our participants may only have a 6 year old IQ, they present as adults and it is the Perception of the police that matters in those first few moments. Thank you again! "